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K A T H A K Kathak Geneva Kathak Genève Kathak Geneve Kathak Switzerland

The roots of KATHAK take its origin in north Indian temples, where the priests accompanied the recitations of the mythological stories to the population with music and pantomimes. Kathak Geneva Kathak Genève Kathak Geneve Kathak Switzerland
Nathalie Masson, Kathak dancer, Kathak Geneva, Kathak Switzerland, Kathak Genève, Sushmita Banerjee
Indeed, the word Kathak takes its source from the term Kathaka, the literal meaning of which is “storyteller”. However, the name Kathaka cannot be reduced just as being the narrator of a story. The word includes the concept of a dancer who is telling a story through his or her dance, because in ancient times a professional storyteller was used to reciting the epics & the mythological stories through acting, singing, and dancing. These professional storytellers were known as Kathakas, Granthikas, Gathakas & Pathakas. 
Kathak Geneva Kathak Genève Kathak Geneve Kathak Switzerland
Later, with the arrival of Mughal Emperors in northern India, Kathak entered into their courts and the style of the dance got influenced by them. At this period several Kathakas found employment as court dancers, and enjoyed the patronage of their arts by the Mughal Emperors. During this period, the Kathak style evolved from a representative art to a more abstract dance, in order to please their protectors and the Muslim religion. 
Kathak Geneva Kathak Genève Kathak Geneve Kathak Switzerland
​​The decline of the Mughal Empire and the rise of European power saw the gradual decadence of Kathak. At this time the European used the term Nautch (who comes from the Indian word Naach whose meaning is dance), to define the Kathak dancers. The word Nautch had strong connotations of sensuality, decadence and prostitution, and therefore badly prejudiced the reputation of Kathak dancers.
​Fortunately nowadays Kathak has recovered its prestige, and the dancers are held in high consideration in India and around the globe.​ Kathak Geneva Kathak Genève Kathak Geneve Kathak Switzerland
A traditional Kathak performance combines rhythmic elements (Nritta) and expression, as well as narrative aspects (Nritya). The attractiveness of Nritta lies in the interpretation of the rhythmic patterns and the dialogue established between the dancer’s footwork and the musicians. Despite the fact that Nritta is related to the technical aspect of the dance, the dancer shows graceful body movements while executing this part.
Nritya, also known as Abhinaya, finds its place in the Thumri, Ghazal, Bhajan and other songs and poetry, since it refers to interpretative dance, which means that the dancer will explain a story through facial expressions, hand gestures and body postures. Kathak is the symbiosis of both aspects, and it always maintains a good balance between the most abstract part and the interpretative part of the dance. Kathak Geneva Kathak Genève
The evolution of Kathak through the ages and cultures contributes to the power and beauty of this unique art form. Kathak Geneva Kathak Genève Kathak Geneve Kathak Switzerland
Nathalie Masson, Kathak dancer, Kathak Geneva, Kathak Switzerland, Kathak Genève, Sushmita Banerjee
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